We Help Industrial Distributors & Suppliers
Grow Their Leads, Sales and Profits Online
Serving industrial distributors and manufacturers since 1995 SCHEDULE A STRATEGY SESSION


Revenue-focused B2B Digital Marketing Solutions
for Industrial and Construction Supply Companies


B2B Digital Marketing Strategy

SVM will help you create a results-focused B2B digital marketing strategy will ensure you achieve a number of business goals, including generating qualified leads, increasing sales, strengthening relationships with customers and increasing profits.

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Download The Essential Online Marketing Checklists >>


B2B Website Creation

To be successful, your website needs to be created for your customers – not you.  If your website is not serving your customers, then it’s not serving you either. Let the experts at SVM transform your site into a customer-focused lead and sales generation machine.

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5 Surefire Ways to Increase B2B Online Leads and Sales >>


B2B Search Engine Marketing

In 80% of B2B transactions today, the customer finds the supplier — not the other way around.  And, to find the supplier of their desired products or services they are turning first to search engines. Let SVM help you dominate the first page of Google.

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Download The Essential Guide to B2B Search Engine Marketing >>


B2B Content Marketing

Need help creating compelling and valuable content on a regular basis to meet your B2B digital marketing goals?  Let SVM create relevant and interesting educational content for your customers and prospects with a flair for creativity and professionalism.

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4 B2B Content Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore >>


B2B Social Media Marketing

The secret to B2B social media marketing success is to know you are not only in the business of selling products and services — you are also in the business of knowledge.  SVM will help you market your specialized knowledge to showcase your team’s expertise.

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Download The Essential Guide to B2B Social Media Marketing >>


B2B Email Marketing

Email is not a prospecting tool. It’s a nurturing tool for building closer bonds with customers and profitable long-term relationships. Let the experts at SVM help you take full advantage of the power of B2B email marketing to drive sales and profits.

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7 Steps to an Effective B2B Email Marketing Campaign >>


Results Measurements & Analysis

Don’t rely on gut feel or subjective measures to track your digital marketing performance.  SVM will help you define your business goals and provide specific, measurable performance results and analysis to help you measure success.

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How to Market Smart in a Challenging Economy >>



Professional speaker Bob DeStefano helps industrial and B2B companies produce bottom-line results.  All Bob’s B2B digital marketing presentations are designed to give participants actionable strategies that they can put to work immediately.

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Meeting Planner and Attendee Testimonials > 

Want to Boost Your Leads
& Sales Online?

Take the first step toward your success. Schedule a no pressure marketing
consultation to discuss your marketing goals.


From Our Experts

B2B e-commerce

As a smaller distributor, competing with the B2B e-commerce players may seem like a daunting task. Here’s how you can level the playing field.  

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From Our Clients

I will be the first to admit the SDI’s website was basically a clickable brochure when SVM came in. We made the right choice. Our website now accounts for 45% of the revenue in our sales pipeline.

Debra Yorkman
Vice President of Marketing, SDI